
This website is dedicated with appreciation to each and everyone who is listed in Who is DEEEP?
Without their contributions there would not be a DEEEP organization, or this website.

Postcard of the entrance to Dinosaur National Monument. A sign marking the entrance stands next to a historical marker against a backdrop of rugged mountains. Text from the back of the postcard reads: Entrance sign and Historic Marker, Dinosaur National Monument. In addition to its famous fossil quarry, the monument preserves traces of the more recent past. The stone marker at right commemorates the 1776 crossing of the Green River here by the Dominguez-Escalante expedition, seeking a route between New Mexico and California.
This postcard was a gift to DEEEP from the Dinosaur National Monument. It shows the original Domínguez-Escalante Expedition monument that was part of the 1976 celebration.
It is no longer there.
A photo of Vivian Anis Kelly, an older woman with short white hair and glasses

A special dedication also goes to Vivian Anis Kelly, (March 22, 1931 – March 3, 2023) who was simply known to us as Anis. Anis was the first to believe in the DEEEP project and insisted that all research provided by DEEEP field teams would be included on our website, even when it disagreed with “Experts,” and we have.

Sponsors & Supporters


Sally Hopper (Major Sponsor)

John Spence (Major Sponsor)

Brian Canon

Deborah MacLeod

Karen and Gregory C. Thompson

Robert Loeffler

Samantha Hager



Four Corners Mapping & GIS – Durango, Colorado

Chair 8 Design – Telluride, Colorado

WEEDS – West End Economic Development Corporation

WEPIFT- West End Pay It Forward Trust (Provided our grant)

The Family of Dr. Ted. J. Warner (Granted permission to use the 1976 BYU Press edition of his book The Domínguez – Escalante Journal).

Utah Historical Quarterly

New Mexico Historical Review

Nucla-Naturita Telephone Company

The Coordinator’s Support Group

This amazing group of people gave the Coordinator their time, advice, solutions for difficult decisions, encouragement and humor to lighten the load. Samantha Hager gave more hours than can be counted to provide DEEEP and the Coordinator whatever was needed. It is impossible to express the appreciation DEEEP and the Coordinator feel for Samantha.

Other VIPs

Tony Adkins

Brian Canon

Katy Christianson

Makayla Gordon

Sally Hopper

Bob Loeffler

John Kessell

Deborah MacLeod

Robert McDaniel

Friar Jack Clark Robinson

Diann Suttle

Greg Thompson

Tom West

Carol Claypool – Website Artist

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